
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11669 From: Moray Cuthill Date: 6/8/2015
Subject: Getting started with VS2013

I'm not sure if Troy used a slightly different version of VS2013 to what I downloaded, but there were a few discrepancies between the pdf and what I had to do.

Here are the discrepancies I've noticed-
1) When finished with One-Way upgrade, goto View>Output and View>Error List
the menu location for me was View>Error List

2) The KMotionCNCDlg.cpp file is within the Source Files folder within the KMotionCNC folder.

3) I never got any Intellisense error...

4) For setting the correct folders for KMotionCNC, you have to ensure the KMotionCNC folder is highlighted/selected in the Solution Explorer, and the menu selection will be Project->Properties (not sure if it's worth mentioning that highlighting any folder within KMotionCNC will then result in the menu choice of Project->KMotionCNC properties)

5) The C2556 errors no longer occur (I think I seen a mention where Tom has already removed the problem code)

6) If you want to use F5 to launch KMotionCNC, you'll need to right click it Solution Explorer, and select Set as StartUp Project (KMotionCNC should now be in bold), otherwise F5 attempts to run BuildExamples, which will result in a error box telling you it was unable to start the program.

Apart from those issues, the instructions were very good.

All this has got me thinking, would it be possible to setup something like a Wiki somewhere to contain info like this?
I know I've been following this group for a few years, as well as the CNCzone board, and I'm pretty sure the same wheels must of been reinvented a good view times by different people. The problem I'm finding now I'm wanting to customise a screen, is most of the information has been posted somewhere, but finding it buried in yahoo group threads, or forum topics can be a challenge.
